Friday, May 13, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011
Daily Devotional
A wonderful devotional I ran accross today, I thought I'd share...
Can Your Marriage Fulfill Your Dreams?
Pam and Bill Farrel , Crosswalk.com Contributors
We all enter marriage with a dream. When you said “I do” to one another, a brand-new creation of God took place. You might even remember some of the people who toasted the dream at your wedding. Some see the dream as practical: “To the bride: may she share everything with her husband, including the housework!”
Others see the dream as impossible: “Here’s to you and here’s to me, I hope we never disagree; but if, perchance, we ever do, then here’s to me, to heck with you.”
While others see the dream as blissful: “May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door.”
In our newest book, The First Five Years of Marriage, we explain that Romans 15:6 lays out the highest aspiration of marriage: “So that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” You as a couple have much in common with other couples, but no other husband and wife on earth are exactly like you. The ways you interact with one another, make decisions, plan your lives, communicate your values, and enjoy your time together are unique and ought to be treasured. You are a vital part of God’s worldwide, history-wide plan. The dream of your love will bring glory to God because you two, and the love you share, are intricately woven into God’s plan of love for the entire planet.
As you dream about your life together, you may be thinking:
- I sure hope we are one of those couples that are so cute and in love as they grow old together.
- I hope we have the opportunity to have some kids!
- I wonder if we’ll live in our dream home.
- I wish for long, romantic strolls on moonlit beaches.
- I hope that together we can become financially independent and live a life of ease.
- We’ll never fight!
- I hope other couples notice how in love we are and want what we have!
- I hope we travel to exotic, romantic destinations around the globe.
- Sex is going to be red-hot every night!
You have probably figured out that some of these statements may be unrealistic. Don’t be discouraged, because you hold the key to unlocking your dream and every time you enjoy your love, you reveal a little bit more of who God is, because “God is love” (1 John 4:16). Loving each other is the key to the dream. Sometimes we think the perfect job is the dream, or the perfect house is the dream or perfect children-- the dream. Those are all nice but if there is no love in that home or in the family the perfect job just becomes a way to fund a nightmare.
The key is to love one another with a bigger purpose in mind. Jesus said in John 13:35, " By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." Your love is a light. That’s the dream!
As the year progresses, go out on a date and ask, “How can we better love each other? Set a goal to love in a way that the people in your world: your kids, your friends, your family, those you both work with can best see the love you two share and the source of that love--God! Live the dream by committing to love all out, over the top, no holds barred—unreservedly!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Discovering My Inner-Craftiness
Until next time, talk to you all later!
Friday, April 29, 2011
My real Royal couple are the Obama's though. I LOVE BLACK LOVE~
Lastly, even as some may wish to bask in royalty, I'd like to remind you that we as children of Christ are a royal priesthood.
1 Peter 2:9
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Another Anniversary?!?!?!?
Ya'll need to get on my soon-to-be wife. She has been holding information from you guys. A lot has been going on, but I'll leave it to her to share it with you guys. But one day that I did forget to blog about was our 1 year anniversary of our engagement!!! Well, honestly it was just another day and probably because we were so busy that day all we really did was say, "hey it's our anniversary!" and kept it moving :-). I guess we're wierd like that :-). So just to recap, April 9th is our dating anniversary (although I think differently about that date! lol) and April 17th is our engagement anniversary. Next is the celebration of Janelle's (and let's not forget newly engaged Jennifer (you made the blog again!)) birthday on May 17th!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Photography...Invitations...+ More!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
"Weekend to Remember"- Family Life
Saturday, April 9, 2011
April 9th

Monday, April 4, 2011
Wedding Wire Forums
Monday, March 28, 2011
Great News!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Quick Update
The first thing that comes to mind dates back to a few weeks ago when Janelle and I picked out our wedding bands. Now, I'm not into rings at all. Trying on different styles, metals and the whole nine is not my forte. But it's funny, because I feel like I'm a ringologist (I made that word up) when it comes to rings for women, based on all the information my jeweler gave me prior to getting Janelle's ring. So I know all the ends and outs for her rings, but when it comes to mine, I really don't care! The only prerequisite I have is no bling! Plain and simple will do just fine for me, but enough on that. I'm just really excited for Janelle's wedding band. It is exactly how I envisioned it to look. Can't wait for you guys to see it on 07/09/11.
Next...*pausing to think*...oh yes, Janelle and I have been in the lab as of late. We have spent probably about 2 days worth of cutting, gluing and printing designs for our invitations. Janelle is the visionary for this job, I'm just the peasant. I just shoot in my ideas from time to time but it's all in her hands with what she wants to do. I personally can't wait to see how it all turns out.
Wedding Cake story...you can see Janelle's illustration of what happened below. Envisioning how it will look on the day of our wedding seems pretty cool. I can't wait to see the final product!
Meeting with our Event Planner was pretty cool. Walking the site for our ceremony and reception was pretty cool as we saw the exact room we would be using. The next part for us to figure out is how we will use the room in terms of set-up and presentation. We haven't quite focused on that piece yet, but more thought will be given on that in the coming weeks.
Ohhh, how could I forget. Janelle and I actually picked up our Marriage License. All it needs is the signature from our officiant and a seal from the State of Maryland and we will be official. But of course the signature won't come until 7.9.11 so the documentation is just being stored in safekeeping for now (shhh, don't tell anyone but Janelle didn't trust me to hold onto it...the audacity! :-).
Ok, well that's all I can think of for now. Enjoy!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Lemon, Chocolate, Vanilla... Oh My!!!

On Saturday, I casually mentioned to Renard that I had registered us for the open house, to my surprise he agreed to go with me. Upon arriving at the open house it was a little hectic with various people browsing various cake options and taste testing several different flavors. I decided that I would browse the cakes that were on display while also looking in the catalogs that showed past cakes/events that they had done. There were several cakes that caught my eye, and one in particular that I kept going back to. Shortly after we browsed, we decided to taste the various flavors of cakes that they had to offer. WOW!!! They had about a dozen different flavors of cakes and all of them were amazing!
After our quest to try almost all of the flavors they had, Renard and I both decided on the 3 flavors we liked best. After that we decided we should probably set up an appointment for a consultation. We meet with one of the representatives and scheduled our appointment. She then explained the specifics of our package and walked us around to the various displays to show us what was included in our package. Of course I still had my eye on that one cake so of course I inquired about it. There were a few items on the cake that weren’t included in our package, so after a few modifications we were able to close on a deal (of course with Renard’s approval, but I could tell he could care less). I was so excited because we were able not only to taste the various flavors and decide which we liked best (as a matter of fact we could have up to four flavors in our wedding cake), but also decide on the cake design for our wedding. It’s always exciting to mark off items on the checklist!!!
110 days~ Almost There!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
My Love Letter
With God, I am continuing to love my bride-to-be! I am learning to love Janelle with every emotional ability. To say "I love her" is not enough for me! Every part of me needs, wants and will be committed to her on that day we take our oath before God.
Therefore, it was only fitting that the 1st thing I said to her today was, "Happy I Love you everyDay"! I love you Janelle!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Signed... Sealed... Delivered
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
BM Dressess
If there was one thing I knew for certain about the BM dresses, I knew I didn't want the typical dress that you often find in bridal salons, as I am usually not a fan of those. As I began my search I looked everywhere from Department stores and websites to a few different bridal salons. Some of the places we visited were Macy's, Nordstrom's, JCREW, Alfred Angelo and the list goes on. I definitely recommend looking at bridal websites of some of the above department stores as they had some of the best options to choose from.
On MLK weekend, my BM's and I visited a few different shops and tried on several different dress options. This was probably the best thing for us because we really got a chance to see what really worked best for each person. One of the things I learned form this experience was that dresses can look totally different on the body versus online/magazine/catalog. If I were to have chosen the original dress that I liked without seeing it on, I think I would have been disappointed...lol.
So even after mentioning everything above about bridal salons, we actually purchased our dressess from Hitched Bridal Salon, in Washington DC (interesting... huh). But they have a very fun and stylish BM collection. I really enjoyed working with the ladies from Hitched; they were very pleasant and informative about various styles and fabrics.
5 more months or 151 days- Almost there!!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Psalm 139:23-24
"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
This scripture spoke volumes to me today as I reminded that during my preparation of becoming a wife, I must continually ask for God's grace to renew in me a right spirit and clean heart.
Be Blessed!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Renard and I would like to wish each and every one of you a very blessed and joyous new year. We pray your days be full of love and prosperity during this new season.
We are so excited for 2011 because this is OUR YEAR!!! God has truly been a blessing to us during this time. As we prepare for this sacred and exciting time in our lives we are reminded of Christ’s steadfast and merciful love toward us, we continue to pray those blessings over our lives both now and forever.
With 6 months to go, there is still so much to do but most importantly we are remembering to have FUN!!
SN: I don’t know if you can tell how excited I am, but to have the opportunity to marry your best friend, helpmate and confidant it's indescribable joy to me!! Love you Renard!!
~Welcome 2011: My year of submission~