Monday, February 14, 2011

My Love Letter

Today marks the day where the "world" tells us to love, but I first and foremost must say that love is an act that is to be illustrated to our loved ones daily! Just as Jesus loves us, we must be willing to display the same type of affection to ALL. But as Janelle and I continue to grow and learn more of our role in marriage, I can't help but be reminded that God calls us to love our wives just as Christ loves the Church (Ephesians 5:25-28) and gave Himself up for it! I'm grateful that during one of our conseling sessions with Pastor Sterling from Kettering Baptist Church, he illustrated what the picture of God's love for the Church (His people) looked like! If you have the time, take a deep look and study of Psalm 22:12-18. Once that study concluded with Pastor Sterling that evening, we were in awe and primarily I was taken away by how strong God's love is towards us and as a husband I am to express that same committment and love to my wife!

With God, I am continuing to love my bride-to-be! I am learning to love Janelle with every emotional ability. To say "I love her" is not enough for me! Every part of me needs, wants and will be committed to her on that day we take our oath before God.

Therefore, it was only fitting that the 1st thing I said to her today was, "Happy I Love you everyDay"! I love you Janelle!

1 comment:

  1. This was absolutely beautiful!!!! I am so excited for the road we are about to take and I so grateful for God putting you in my life. Here's to a lifetime of love!!!

